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Perfecting the Shot

So you have a camera, now what? You have a vision of where you want to go with your photos but not sure how to make them happen. I get comments all the time about how my shots look and there are some simple ways to create them. Most times the perfect shot comes with time but there are few tips to help out. So let's get started!!!

Composition. When composing the shot, first you will want to consider the Rule of Thirds. Basically the rule of thirds comes into play whenever you want an aesthetically pleasing photo. Most professional grade cameras provide a grid that divides the shot into nine squares that helps to align your shots. SOOOOOO..... what does this mean for you? By placing your subect(s) into one third of you shot it provides a base for the human eye to better analyze wwhats going on in the whole of the picture. Professionals have been using this rule for portraits but it is a good rule for all compositions. Even if you use a phone camera it will heighten your viewers experience.

Angles. Taking a selfie versus a self portrait, in my opinion, is the difference between angles. Head on shots might capture everything but once you add an angle to your shot you have an artistic vision. Its the difference between making yourself look like a mugshot and a happy person! By experimenting with angles from the side, below, and above you can really create an amazing portrait. Think of it this way, do you just want to see the person or do you want to visual capture the amazing character of the individual. If its a self portrait then you're one step ahead because you already know you!

Well for right now you have enough info to create better shots! So what are you trying to shoot? Are you trying to build a professional portfolio or just a better Instagram? No matter which these techniques will definitely help! Keep a look out for more helpful tips and JUST GO SHOOT!!

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